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浙江社會(huì)科學(xué) 頁(yè)數(shù): 10 2019-02-15
摘要: 在現(xiàn)代社會(huì),"少數(shù)服從多數(shù)"作為一種集體決策觀念被許多人所接受,但人們對(duì)于"少數(shù)為什么應(yīng)該服從多數(shù)"的理由卻缺乏足夠的反思。這種反思,即對(duì)多數(shù)決的證成的缺乏可能會(huì)使得人們認(rèn)為多數(shù)決具有內(nèi)在正義性、普遍適用性,從而誤用、濫用多數(shù)決。結(jié)果價(jià)值角度的證成面臨著不能充分尊重個(gè)體獨(dú)立性的問(wèn)題,程序價(jià)值角度的證成已成為目前研究的主要方向。但目前的研究對(duì)于少數(shù)服從多數(shù)為何能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)"公正對(duì)待"、"平等尊重"、"自治概率最大化和強(qiáng)迫概率最小化"以及"消除專斷性"等程序價(jià)值的闡釋還存在諸多缺點(diǎn),即原則與直覺(jué)之間沒(méi)有做到很好的平衡和融貫;也沒(méi)有在這些闡釋的基礎(chǔ)上分析多數(shù)決具有正當(dāng)性的條件。在對(duì)上述闡釋進(jìn)一步完善的基礎(chǔ)上的分析表明,只有在人們依據(jù)理由而不是偏見(jiàn)進(jìn)行投票,"多數(shù)"與"少數(shù)"不固定等條件下,"少數(shù)服從多數(shù)"才能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)上述程序價(jià)值,才可能具有正當(dāng)性。多數(shù)決在一定條件下能夠被證成,但并不具有內(nèi)在正義性和普遍適用性。
In Modern Society, "the minority obeying the majority" is accepted by many people as a notion of group decision. However, people don't think much about "why the minority should obey the majority". To answer this question, we should explore how "the minority obeying the majority" can be justified. The justifications basing on consequential values perspective face the problem of lacking respect for individual's independence. It has become a main direction to justify "the minority obeying the majority" with procedural values. Only the minority obey the majority will realize values like "impartiality", "equal respect","autonomy maximization and coercion minimization","removing arbitrary power". These values are reasons for minority to obey the majority. Further analyses show that "the minority obeying the majority" will realize these values only when some conditions are met, such as people's voting with reasons and not with prejudice, "majority"and "minority" mustn't be fixed, and so on. Without these conditions, the minority may not have reasons to obey the majority.The analysis of these conditions will help to avoid majority rule abusing and promote the procedural legitimacy of group decisions.

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