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About China 共有 1005 個詞條內容

Liangzhu Culture

     The Liangzhu Culture was a Neolithic culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, named after the archaeological sites in Liangzhu Town, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China


     Yinxu, also known as Yin Xu or the Ruins of Yin, was once the capital of the late Shang Dynasty, dating from the 14th to the 11th century BC. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Zhouyuan Site

     The Zhouyuan Site is an important site of the Culture of the Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BC) in ancient China. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Wooden Stakes-Supported House

     A wooden stakes-supported house is a kind of stilt house built on slopes, by rivers, or near ditches. Part of the house is suspended and expanded with the lower parts supported by wooden stakes of different heights, he...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Quadrangle Courtyard

     A quadrangle courtyard, known in Chinese as  siheyuan  , is a traditional local-style dwelling house most famously in Beijing with a courtyard enclosed by rooms on four sides. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Cave Dwelling

     Cave dwellings are residences carved out of hillsides or excavated horizontally from flatlands on the Loess Plateau, and have a long history in north and northwest China. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Xianyang (Capital of the Qin Dynasty)

     The city of Xianyang was once the capital city of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (475–221 BC) and the Qin Dynasty (221–206 BC). ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Zhaoling Mausoleum

     The Zhaoling Mausoleum is the co-burial mausoleum of Emperor Taizong and Empress Wende (surname Zhangsun) of the Tang Dynasty (618–907). ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China

Fenghuang Ancient Town

     Fenghuang Ancient Town is a national famous historical and cultural city, located in Fenghuang County, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hunan Province. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China


     Yandi, also known as Yan Emperor or Flame Emperor, was the legendary chief of a tribal alliance in Central China. ...[繼續(xù)閱讀]

About China
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